Why in News?
- PM Modi shares dias and bonhomie with Sharad Pawar, accepts Lokmanya Tilak Award
For Prelims: Lokmanya Tilak, Kesari, Mahratta,Gita Rahasya.
- Dedicating award to 140 crore citizen of India, PM said that government will work to help them fullfill their dream and aspiration.
About Lokmanya Tilak Award
- The Lokmanya Tilak National Award is conferred on people to honour the legacy of Indian independence activist, Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
- The award was constituted by Tilak Smarak Mandir Trust in 1983. It is given to people who have worked for the progress and development of the nation and whose contribution can only be looked upon as remarkable and extraordinary.
- Previously this prestigious award was bestowed to former Presidents Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma and Pranab Mukherjee; former PMs Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Dr Manmohan Singh; businessmen NR Narayana Murthy and Cyrus Poonawala; and engineer E Sreedharan, among others.
- Last year, the Lokmanya Tilak National Award was conferred upon senior scientist Tessy Thomas, popularly known as India’s “missile woman.” She served as the project director of Agni series missile systems, making significant contributions to the country’s defence capabilities.
Contribution of Lokmanya Tilak
Journalism and Writing
- Newspapers: Founded “Kesari” (Marathi) and “The Mahratta” (English) to promote nationalism.
- Literary Works: Authored “Gita Rahasya,” “Orion,” and other works, interpreting Indian scriptures and astronomy
Political Leadership
- Indian National Congress (INC): Active member and part of the extremist faction.
- Home Rule Movement: Founded the Indian Home Rule League in 1916, advocating for self-governance.
- Swadeshi Movement: Promoted the boycott of British goods and encouraged the use of Indian-made products
Social Reforms
- Caste Reforms: Worked for the upliftment of lower castes and against untouchability.
- Age of Consent Act: Opposed British interference in Indian social customs.
- Educational Reforms: Promoted education for all, regardless of caste or gender.
Cultural Revival
- Ganesh Chaturthi Festival: Revived and popularized this festival to foster unity and nationalism.
Educational Contributions
- Deccan Education Society: Co-founded this society to promote education in India.
- Fergusson College: Established in Pune to provide Indians with access to higher education.
- New English School: Co-founded in Pune to provide quality education in English.