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  • United States wants to rejoin UNESCO

For Prelims: UNESCO

Why did the US Quit UNESCO?

  • Palestinian Membership: The US’s decision to leave UNESCO traces back to 2011 when Palestine was inducted as a member. In response, the US halted its funding to UNESCO, which amounted to millions of dollars during President Barack Obama’s tenure.
  • Israeli Objections and Anti-Israel Bias: Israel, alongside the US, opposed the inclusion of Palestine, citing concerns over anti-Israel bias within UNESCO.
    • Israel highlighted UNESCO’s criticism of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem and the recognition of ancient Jewish sites as Palestinian heritage sites.
  • Legal Restrictions and Funding Suspension: US laws, influenced by historical ties with Israel, prohibit funding to any UN agency that implies recognition of Palestinian statehood.
    • Due to these legal restrictions, the US ceased funding UNESCO, leading to a significant accumulation of unpaid dues.

Why is the US Rejoining UNESCO?

  • Addressing Concerns and China’s Influence: US officials stated that the decision to rejoin UNESCO was influenced by China’s growing influence within the organization.
    • China has taken a prominent role in shaping UNESCO policies related to artificial intelligence and technology education. 
    • The US recognized the importance of actively participating to compete with China in the digital age.
  • Leadership and Multilateralism: Under the leadership of UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, efforts were made to address US concerns since her election in 2017. The US’s return to UNESCO is seen as a historic moment and a reaffirmation of commitment to multilateralism.
  • UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.UNESCO is a specialized agency under UN. It seeks to build world peace through global cooperation in Education, the Sciences, and Culture.
  • UNESCO’s programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • HQ= Paris, France.
  • It has 194 Members and 12 Associate Members. India joined UNESCO in 1946.
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